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[Legal Notice]

This website, accessible from the URL address www.erisma-avocats.com (hereinafter the “Site”), is published by the Erisma law firm, practising in Paris in the form of a société d’exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée (SELARL) with a capital of 1,500 euros, whose registered office is located at 2, rue de Logelbach – 75017 Paris, France, registered with the PARIS Trade and Companies Register under number 982 417 107 (hereinafter the “Firm”).

Contact: contact@erisma-avocats.com

Telephone: +33 1 80 96 19 19

The Site’s Publication Director is Valérie Devismes, Partner.

The Firm is a law firm registered with the Paris Bar Association – Toque B0759.

Lawyers who are members of the firm are subject to the internal rules of the Paris Bar and to the National Internal Rules in their applicable version, as well as to the legislative and regulatory provisions relating to the legal profession.


Website design & production:

WEBAIX – Lucas Chambon

4 rue Vincent Leblanc – 13002 MARSEILLE



Design creation:

Eric Delalande





2 rue Kellermann

59100 Roubaix


Médiation :

In accordance with the provisions of Articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, you may, in the event of a dispute, have free recourse to the Consumer Mediator at the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB), whose contact details are as follows: CNB, Médiateur à la consommation, 180 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 PARIS.

For more information, you can log on to the platform:



Protection of personal data:

When using the Website, erisma will process certain personal data concerning users.

This processing is carried out in compliance with the provisions of article 22 of the amended law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties (known as the “Information Technology and Civil Liberties Law”).

The user’s first and last names, e-mail address and telephone number, provided in order to identify him or herself via the contact form, are the only personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”) that may be collected via the Website and processed by the Law Firm. Any other personal data is optional and provided voluntarily by the user in the contact form.

Personal Data is used solely for the purpose of replying to e-mails sent to the Law Firm and its members and is kept only for the time necessary to fulfil these purposes.

The Personal Data collected and processed by the Law Firm via the Website are not transferred or leased, whether in return for payment or free of charge, to third parties.

The Law Firm is responsible for processing Personal Data on its own behalf.

Any user who can prove his or her identity may request that the Personal Data concerning him or her be communicated to him or her or that it be, as the case may be, rectified, completed, updated or deleted. All users who can prove their identity may also oppose the processing of their Personal Data for legitimate reasons. The rights of each user mentioned above may be exercised by writing to contact@erisma-avocats.com or to the following address:


2, rue de Logelbach

75017 PARIS


Protection of intellectual property rights:

The Site and each of its components, in particular the texts, articles, newsletters, press releases, presentations, brochures, illustrations, photographs, computer programs, animations, etc., are the exclusive intellectual property of Erisma, with the exception of works for which Erisma holds a licence and third-party trademarks that may be cited.

Users are strictly prohibited from reproducing, representing, modifying, distributing, translating and/or adapting, whether in whole or in part, whether in return for payment or free of charge, the Site and each of its component parts, nor from reproducing or representing such translations, adaptations and modifications, whether in whole or in part, whether in return for payment or free of charge, without the prior written consent of the Law Firm.

Any short quotation must indicate the name of its author and, where applicable, the date and publication number of the document quoted.


Miscellaneous provisions:

The Law Firm undertakes to do its utmost to ensure that the Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

However, the Law Firm makes no commitment as to the availability and permanent accessibility of the Site, and does not guarantee that the Site is free of errors. The Law Firm may be obliged to interrupt access to the Site temporarily, in particular for technical maintenance purposes, without incurring any liability whatsoever.

The Site may contain links to websites managed by third parties (hereinafter referred to as “Third Party Sites”). These Third Party Sites are independent of the Site and the Law Firm does not edit or control the sources or content of these Third Party Sites or their links to other sites. The links to these Third Party Sites in no way constitute an approval, validation or endorsement by the Law Firm of the content of these Third Party Sites, nor an association of the Law Firm with the owners and/or authors, designers, moderators, managers or hosts of these Third Party Sites. These links are provided for information purposes only and the decision to consult these Third Party Sites is the full and entire responsibility of the user.


Applicable law and jurisdiction:

The Site and these terms of use are governed by French law and any dispute relating to them will fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris.

[Contact us]

2 rue de Logelbach – 75017 PARIS
+33 (1) 80 96 19 19